Being close to yourself.
The 5 main practices in Yoga
According to Swami Sivananda there are 5 main practices that help maintain a healthy body and a sane mind:
✨ Proper Physical Exercises – They are considered a fountain of youth for your entire body. Your spine‘s health as well as the central nervous system is known to be the center of your body.
✨ Proper Breathing – Stimulates the your solar plexus‘ energy reserves. It revitalizes body and mind which is a good remedy to combat depression and stress.
✨ Proper Relaxation – The most natural way to recharge. It affects all three levels: Body, mind and soul.
✨ Proper Diet – Provides a positive effect on your body and mind. It also causes less damage on the environment.
✨ Positive Thinking & Meditation – These two hold the key to your mental peace. A regular meditation practice supports your physical, mental and emotional well-being. It also improves concentration levels.
Are you looking for a change or would you like to learn more about this topic and try it out yourself? Get in touch with me and let me guide you on your journey.
Be your change.
Love, Nicole
Wahaaaaay! Passed my 2. exam!
Yesterday I passed the second exam of my yoga teacher training. I taught an online class that I named „A gentle introduction into Hatha Yoga“.
Here is a little insight for you:
✨ Yoga is about connection
✨ The connection with yourself.
✨ The conncection with the people surrounding you.
✨ The conncection between you and the universe.
✨ Yoga is about unity.
✨ The unity of body, mind and soul.
✨ Yoga is concious breathing…
If you do already practise Yoga, I would love to hea r from you in what way
Yoga made an impact on your life?
If you haven‘t had the chance to practice yoga yet, maybe you would like to try it out?
A little bit of courage…
…it took me a little bit of courage to climb onto that rock and practice tree pose there.
But that was the exact Asana I saw at this exact place in my vision earlier that day.
Once I got out of my comfort zone I was bursting with joy.
Here is a little summary for you, what tree pose (Vrksasana) is about:
✨ Physical effects:
– Improves body balance
– Improves body posture
– Activates almost every muscle in your body
– Strengthens leg muscles
– Opens up heart space
– Balances breathing
✨ Mental effects:
– Grounding
– Helps to focus
– Improves self-determination
– Strengthens inner peace
✨ Energetic effects
– Activates root chakra
– Harmonizes “third eye“
Be your change
Namasté, Nicole
My first yoga exam.
Yeeeeees, i made it! I passed my first yoga teacher exam.
I really enjoyed teaching my fellow yoga teachers to be this powerful but also relaxing yoga class. I am very much looking forward to everything that is yet to come… I would also love to share the class‘ meditation practice with you:
„Whatever is on your mind, also shows in your outer wold“
When you are filled with of love, compassion, abundance, certainty and peace, it reflects on how you think and feel. It also reflects on what you say and do and on the kinds of things you attract.
On the other hand, when we are in denial and have a lack mentality that envies others and is dominated by inbalances and chaos, it also reflects on our life and the way we live it.
The good news is that all important processes of change happen within us and then miraculously make their way to the outside as well. With this inner knowing, we can create a wonderful and abundant life. What a true gift that is!
These transformations from within ourselves are the ones of a lasting nature and they keep us balanced. The best part about this: You can start immediately. Right here ✨, right now ✨.
You just need to take a closer look at what is really happening in this very moment. Notice what you are observing and feel what you are feeling. Awareness and mindfulness are the biggest keys in creating an abundant life!
yogash chitta-vritti-nirodhah.
According to Patanjali, Yoga is the stilling of the mind’s fluctuations.
Sutra 1.2 summarizes the Yoga path in one single sentence.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is unity, Yoga is conncection, Yoga is the union of body and mind. Yoga is the path and purpose at the same time:
The purpose is to “arrive home“. There are many words for it: Liberation, Nirvana, self-fulfillment, peace, stillness and enlightenment. Yoga gives us a variety of methods to reach this goal.
What does Yoga mean?
The word Yoga derives from Sanscrit. Sanscrit is one of the world’s oldest and alleged “holy“ written languages.
They call it “yui“ which means to yoke, to tie up or to hitch up. The similarity to the word “yoke“ might help you to keep the meaning in mind.
You can also imagine horses being „yoked“ together.
Everything is connected with everything. It is also a symbol for the journey to yourself.
Is known to be the holy syllable. It is the original sound – the sound of all sound. The unsiversal energy. The essence of all being. The state of being awake, the state of dreaming and the state of deep sleep as well as peace.
It represents the inner and the outer world. It stands for our past, our present and our future – everything that ever was, everything that is and everything that will ever be.
It is the most important mantra in yoga with a very powerful impact: It’s sound puts our body into harmonic vibration which calms down our nervous system and thus helps us to relieve stress. It calms down our mind and helps us to focus again.