What do you think, would one feel happier if one simply stayed with oneself? And allowed others to stay with themselves as well?
Rogers was sure that we humans would be as beautiful as sunsets if we let them be sunsets.
His point was that he valued the natural state of each of us – that is, our sincerity and authenticity – above all else.
It’s the little things in life,
that make you happy …
What makes you happy?
What makes you feel good?
And who is good for you?
Your Nicole
Behind gratitude is a deeply felt appreciation as well as deep recognition for a person, a condition or an allowance.
Already your joy about the small things in life lead to more happiness. When you establish an attitude of gratitude in your life, you give yourself time to pause, to rest and to reflect.
The practice of gratitude is like deep, calm breathing in and out: you look at your life and recognize your true, real wealth. What are you grateful for?
Happiness begins within you.
Not on the outside.
Not in your relationships
or your professional activity.
What are you grateful for?
Direct your focus on what you have
what you have and on what
what and who you are.
Open your eyes and your heart and
collect your ‘small’ fruits of life.
Through gratitude comes joy and abundance
in your life! It really is that simple – what a gift!
What are you grateful for today?
And why actually? 🤍
Would you like to share it with us?
Happy day!
Yours Nicole
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